Adventure Coaching

Climbing a Mountain or Embarking on an Epic Trail: Elevate Your Outdoor Adventure!

Are you seeking the ultimate outdoor venture? Look no further. As an outdoor enthusiast who has hiked and climbed numerous 14ers in Colorado, I understand the allure of these majestic peaks. The view from the summit is nothing short of wondrous—a sight that not many are willing to undertake. Please allow me to guide you on your epic journey; few dare to attempt it, but you can achieve it.

Climbing to the Top of a Mountain:

The great outdoors offers many opportunities that extend beyond climbing a single mountain. Maybe you can’t wait for your first 14er experience, excited to immerse yourself in the expansive beauty of nature. Or maybe you want to climb mountains summits faster than you have before. Want to summit all 58 of Colorado’s 14,000’ peaks? We can help you achieve that goal!

Backpacking: Explore Trails Over Multiple Days

But there is more to outdoor adventure that climbing the tallest peaks. You could have your sights on a multi-day backpacking adventure. Together, we can create a tailored plan to prepare your mind and body for the challenge that lies ahead. I will equip you with the knowledge of essential gear needed to ensure your adventure is not only successful but also unforgettable.

Let’s Start Your Adventure!

Beyond the mountain summits and the epic trails lies a world of possibilities waiting to be seized. Through meticulous training and guidance, I aim to empower you to transcend your physical limits and conquer challenges you thought were impossible. With every step, you'll grow stronger, more resilient, and more in tune with the beauty of the natural world.
Together, we will transform your passion for outdoor exploration into a life-altering experience. Dare to venture into the great unknown, and let the mountains whisper their secrets.

Adventure Plan

Adventure Plan


  • Conversation to determine the kind of training/experience necessary

  • Personalize training plan tailored to your goal.

  • Weekly phone calls with coach

  • Hands-on coaching through data analysis and plan updates

  • Unlimited text and emails.

  • Planning assistance.