Let's Start Your Adventure!

Welcome to Through The Trees, where we are dedicated to helping you become the endurance athlete you want to be. Whether you are a runner looking take your running to the next level or obtain a personal best, our expert run coaches are here to guide you.

Setting Your Sights on an Ultra Running Adventure!

Embarking on the path to an ultramarathon is no small feat. It requires meticulous planning, disciplined endurance training, and unwavering determination. Our experienced coaches will work closely with you to tailor a comprehensive training program suitable for your current fitness level, gradually building strength, stamina, and resilience to tackle the demands of an ultramarathon.

Developing a Strategic Training Plan

At Through The Trees, we understand that each individual is unique, and we emphasize the importance of personalized training plans. Our run coaches will assess your current fitness level, running experience, and personal goals to design a training program that nurtures your strengths and addresses your weaknesses, ensuring a holistic approach to your development.

Embracing Progression and Variety

Training for an event demands more than just logging miles. We believe in purposeful training, incorporating progressive workouts that continuously challenge and improve your performance. From interval training, hill repeats, and tempo runs to long, slow distance runs emphasizing endurance, our coaches will design a diverse training schedule that keeps you engaged, motivated, and consistently progressing towards your ultimate goal.

Mental Resilience: The Key to Success

Adventure events from 50k and beyond require not only physical strength but also mental fortitude. Our coaches will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you develop a resilient mindset. From visualization exercises to positive self-talk, we will guide you on how to overcome doubts and push through the toughest moments during training and on race day.

Embracing the Bliss of the Natural World

Running a trail race takes places amidst some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes nature has to offer. As part of our training, we encourage our athletes to embrace the beauty of the outdoors, ensuring that they explore different trails, terrains, and altitudes. Our coaches will help you familiarize yourself with the specific challenges you might face during your chosen ultramarathon, ensuring you are prepared both mentally and physically to tackle them head-on. It’s important to be race day ready!

Building a Supportive Ultra Community

At Through The Trees, we believe in the power of community. We will connect you with other like-minded individuals who share your passion, anything from 50k and beyond, creating a supportive network of runners who will inspire, motivate, and uplift you throughout your training journey. We foster an environment where everyone can share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, ensuring a sense of camaraderie that goes beyond the finish line.

Now’s the Time!

So lace up your shoes, put on your favorite running playlist, and let's hit the trails. Your running journey starts now, and we can't wait to see where it takes you.

Run Plan

Run Plan


  • Personalize training plan tailored to your goal.

  • Weekly phone calls with coach

  • Hands-on coaching through data analysis and plan updates

  • Unlimited text and emails.

  • Race day planning assistance.